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Marcos Platiquini

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Marcos Platiquini

Marcos Platiquini

My interest in magic began as far back as the beginning of the nineties, when the magic course "Tamariz's magic world” was published, with which so many Spanish magicians began.

I combined the magic with my studies in Psychology, very applicable career for the performance of our art, and I finished it in 2000.

My formation always has ranged between the self-taught and the occasional exchange of knowledge with other magicians, assistance to conferences, etc…, but especially watching great magic and enjoying it. I am a bit carried away neither of the contests nor of the titles.

My curious artistic name comes from the verb "platicar" (to chat), with the completion "ini", since many magicians have: Houdini, Slydini, Colombini … When I was a child, people nicknamed me "el platica", nick that was coming to mean to be witty and graceful … Well, it is a long history…

I have had two appearances in "Castilla La Mancha TV", in the program of varieties "Plaza Mayor", presented by Belinda Washington. Nevertheless, the majority of my shows are of close-up magic at small pub-theatres, from table to table, private parties, etc.

I have published three ebooks (Platimagis), in which I share my usual tricks, with the improvements I have been adding over the years.

You're welcome to mi site. I hope you enjoy it!

Ring-Rope Notes

With Ring, Rope and Link to video-tutorial

40 € (free shipping to peninsula-Spain)


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Ring and Rope Notes
Sample Notes 1
Sample Notes 2
Sample Notes 3
Sample Notes 4
Platimagics II
Platimagics III
Platimagics Index Platimagics Index II Platimagics Index III


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WhatsApp telefono


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WhatsApp telefono


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WhatsApp telefono


These are my magic ebooks. By clicking on the links, you go to the payment and download area. By clicking on "more information" buttons, you can see the indexes, prices, descriptions and free versions. Enjoy them!

Platimagics II
Platimagics III
Platimagics Index Platimagics Index II Platimagics Index III


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WhatsApp telefono


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WhatsApp telefono


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WhatsApp telefono
+ INFOmore info
+ INFOmore info
+ INFOmore info

Here are some small samples of my work, because it is always good to know me a little before hiring.

The first video is about my second appearance in the "Plaza Mayor" program, presented by Belinda Washington, in 2007.

The second video is about an informal performance I did for friends on the banks of the Tagus River. In fact, I did not even know they were recording me.

Marcos Platiquini do informal magic
Marcos Platiquini performs in CMT

Another pair of videos, to keep the web alive:

The third video is promotional of a tutorial of my bracelet and rope routine

The fourth video is a shocking trick of flash appearance with aces, which I learned from Nestor Hato, with a twist so that the deck changes color.

Flash Aces
Ring and Rope Tutorial
shuffle knives loosing platimagics2 fun ambitious ring shuffle
visuallightbox2 unable to connectby v6.1


Ring-Rope Notes

With ring, rope and link to video-tutorial

40 € (free shipping to peninsula-Spain)


pay with paypal WhatsApp telefono
Ring and Rope Notes
Sample Notes 1
Sample Notes 2
Sample Notes 3
Sample Notes 4



Ring and Rope Workshop

Marcos Platiquini

Reservations on the phone 000000000

Marcos Platiquini

Contact Form

privacy on the internet

Privacy Policy

Through this note, we are pleased to inform that in "Marcos Platiquini" we have updated our Privacy Policy regarding the processing of personal data of our Users / Clients, in order that they are treated in accordance with the principles, obligations and guarantees established in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data.

In this way, in order to strengthen the confidence of our Users / Clients and allow them to continue using our services in a safe and transparent manner, as they have been doing so far, from "Marcos Platiquini we inform about the following aspects on how to collect, employ, treat and protect the personal data of our Users / Clients.


Our Privacy Policy applies to the treatment by "Marcos Platiquini" of the personal data of our Users / Customers, suppliers, partners and / or related third parties.


In "Marcos Platiquini", we consider personal data any type of information that, by itself or in combination with another, identifies or identifies individual persons. Information such as, name, surname, postal address, email address or telephone number, among others.


Based on the principle of minimization, the data we collect from "Marcos Platiquini" for subsequent treatment will always respond to the criteria of adequacy, relevance and limitation, so that the use of them is strictly necessary depending on the purposes for which have been collected and processed, and always respecting the will of the User / Client.

The data that may be processed by "Marcos Platiquini" will be classified into the following categories: 1. User / Client Data: is the set of information formed by contact data (such as name and surname), age, behavior of payment, as well as any information collected, where appropriate, through the channels of consultation and customer service of "Marcos Platiquini" (for example, claims or related queries), including that obtained through visits to the web pages of "Marcos Platiquini", as well as the interactions of the User / Client with "Marcos Platiquini", either via telephone (in which case, the calls could be recorded), through their social networks (through comments from the User in official profiles of "Marcos Platiquini" and / or through participations of the User in raffles, promotions and other promotional actions developed by "Marcos Platiquini") or other applications / media or ficial 2. Data of products or services of "Marcos Platiquini": type of products or services of "Marcos Platiquini" that have been contracted by the User / Client through its website, by telephone or through any other means (physical or virtual) official enabled for this purpose.

Thus, from "Marcos Platiquini" we inform that the contracting of its products and services could involve the treatment of other categories of data not included in this list. In such case, the User / Clients will be informed in the specific privacy conditions for each of the affected products or services, and obtained their consent, if necessary, in accordance with the applicable regulations.

In addition, "Marcos Platiquini" informs that when acquiring or consulting any of its services or products, the User / Client will have the option to register in our communications and / or periodic newsletters (sent by telematic and / or written, among others) voluntarily and from which, at any time, they may unsubscribe without needing to justify their decision. In this way, through the aforementioned voluntary registration, "Marcos Platiquini" may collect and process the data of Users / Customers described above.

Likewise, from "Marcos Platiquini" we inform that the treated data may be anonymized complying with all the guarantees established by the applicable legislation as well as by other permitted measures. In this regard, note that the principles of protection of personal data are not applicable to information provided anonymously (such as, for example, information provided in valuation surveys, comments, etc.).


The direct responsible for the processing of personal data collected and processed will be Marcos Balmaseda Aranda, with DNI / NIF 03869650S, who is the owner and administrator of the domain name (hereinafter, the "Website"). To contact "Marcos Platiquini", you can do so through the following email:

In order to comply with the applicable legislation, it may be necessary to communicate the personal data of our Users / Clients to public institutions or other control authorities as a consequence of legal obligations of "Marcos Platiquini". Likewise, it is possible that third parties have access to the personal data of the Users / Customers in the terms established in section 11.- "Data transfers".


"Marcos Platiquini" will treat the personal data of the User / Client for their internal management, centralizing the data processing for the efficient management of the same. Policies for the control, management and use of the included data will be implemented for the development of audits in directories of clients, suppliers and commercial partners, as well as for the development of accounting and finance tasks, the hiring of the relevant insurance for the purposes of legal and business consulting and in the context of conflict resolution.


"Marcos Platiquini" is strongly committed to the privacy of its customers and users in general. For this reason, any data that is collected by "Marcos Platiquini" through the Website, will only be used for the purpose requested by the User / Client. Thus, unless express consent is given, the User / Client will not receive commercial communications from themselves or from third parties and their data will not be transferred to third parties at any time.


In accordance with the legislation in force in Spain, in order to use the Website, the User / Client must be over 18 years of age, or have the authorization of their parents and / or legal guardians if they are over 14 years of age and under 18. Therefore, by accepting this Privacy and Cookies Policy, the User / Client guarantees that they are older than that age or that they have the aforementioned parental authorization to register in any of the channels used by "Marcos Platiquini", and fully responsible for that statement.


In "Marcos Platiquini" we collect and process the data of our Users / Clients so that the provision of our services are as transparent, efficient, integrated and confidential as possible; but, above all, so that the User / Client experience remains unbeatable. For this reason, and for the satisfactory achievement of other purposes permitted and authorized in the terms informed in this Privacy Policy, the reasons why in "Marcos Platiquini" we collect and treat the data of our Users / Clients are, among others, the following: 1. In order to establish a channel of direct communication with the User / Client to be able to report on different issues (among others, for example, schedule modifications, cancellations or any other type of incidents and / or related issues) . 2. In case of subscribing to our communications and / or periodic newsletters, in order to keep our Users / Clients informed at all times about the development of new shows, as well as holding special promotions or raffles. 3. • Through the information collected from the personal data of our Users / Clients, from Indiemagic we will be able to design future campaigns and projects with the purpose of faithfully satisfying the preferences of our audience. 4. • To improve the quality of the technical and commercial attention, as well as to verify the satisfaction of the Users / Clients, through the telematic channels or through the recording of the calls of the User / Client to the telephone attention numbers enabled to the effect, or those that could be made from Indiemagic or from any company authorized by it. 5. • Realization of statistics, surveys or market studies, whose purpose is to evaluate the quality of the product or service provided by "Marcos Platiquini", as well as making business, commercial, investment decisions, checking sales, etc. . 6. Maintain the security of electronic communications networks and services, detect failures or technical errors in the transmission of electronic communications, as well as any treatment necessary for the correct provision of the service provided by "Marcos Platiquini" through its different channels (face-to-face or telematic). 7. Detect or prevent the abusive or fraudulent use of services. 8. Any other purpose that is mandatory and necessary in accordance with the applicable legal provisions.

Additionally, during the validity of the relationship established between "Marcos Platiquini" and its Users / Clients, other data may be incorporated for these or other purposes, in which case the User / Client will be duly informed at the time of collection thereof. (for example, through the different channels of commercial attention, either in person, through the online channel, or even in forms filled in on the Website).

"Marcos Platiquini" is not responsible for the use of false, inaccurate, incomplete or outdated information that has been provided by the User / Client.


The User / Client guarantees both against "Marcos Platiquini" and against third parties, the quality of the information provided. That is to say, that the data and information provided are real, accurate, updated and also belong to the User / Client and not to third parties. Therefore, by sending your personal data to "Marcos Platiquini", the User / Client guarantees and is responsible, both against "Marcos Platiquini" and against third parties, that these data are true and meet this principle of quality. In any case, the supply of false or outdated information is prohibited.

The User / Client must always identify himself with his personal email and with true and current data.


"Marcos Platiquini" informs the User / Client that, in compliance with the principle of limiting the conservation period, the data collected will be treated only and exclusively for the time necessary and for the purposes for which they were collected at all times. They will then be maintained in such a way as to allow the identification of the interested parties for no longer than necessary for the purposes of the processing of personal data.

For all the above and in generic terms, "Marcos Platiquini" has established the following conservation periods, which will depend on the type of data of the User / Client and will be applicable, unless in any case a different one has been specified in this Policy. of privacy or in the conditions of provision of each of the products and services that "Marcos Platiquini" could offer: 1. Customer data: the data will be kept during the term of the contractual relationship plus an additional maximum term of 4 years after the conclusion of the contract, in application of the Civil Code and fiscal regulations. 2. User data: the data will be kept for a period of 12 months (unless it is information necessary for the provision of services required by the User, such as subscriptions to periodic communications or newsletters, in which case they will be kept indefinitely until the User himself requests his voluntary withdrawal from the service). 3. Data of possible products or services provided by "Marcos Platiquini": the data will be kept during the validity of the relationship established between "Marcos Platiquini" and the User / Client plus an additional maximum term of 4 years after the end of the relationship mentioned, in application of the Civil Code and fiscal regulations.


Cookies are small text files that are installed in the browser of the client's computer and user to register their activity, sending an anonymous identification that is stored in it. They can also be used to measure the audience, traffic parameters and navigation, session time, and / or monitor the progress and the number of entries. The cookies of this Website can be both session and persistent, as well as our own or that of third parties. Session cookies are those that are automatically deleted when the browser is closed, while persistent cookies can remain installed for a certain time. In turn, own cookies are those that are installed by "Marcos Platiquini", while those of third parties are those installed by service providers hired for that purpose.

"Marcos Platiquini" will try at all times to establish adequate mechanisms to obtain the consent of the client and user for the installation of cookies that require it. However, in accordance with Spanish law, it will be understood that (i) the user has given his consent if he modifies the browser configuration by disabling the restrictions that prevent the entry of cookies, and (ii) that the aforementioned consent will not be necessary for the installation of those cookies that are strictly necessary for the provision of a service expressly requested by the user. Please note that in order to use the Website it is necessary for the user to have cookies enabled. In particular, we inform that "Marcos Platiquini" uses or may use the following types of cookies, which will be treated either by us directly or by collaborating third parties: 1. Technical cookies: These are those that allow the User to browse and use the cookies. different options or services offered, such as controlling traffic and data communication, identifying the session, accessing restricted access parts, making the request for registration or participation in an event, using security elements during navigation or store, disseminate and / or share content. Personalization Cookies: Those used by "Marcos Platiquini" that allow the User to access the Website with some predefined general characteristics based on a series of criteria in their terminal, such as language, browser type, the regional configuration from where you access, etc.

The User / Client must take into account that in order to use certain services and functionalities of the Website it is necessary to have cookies enabled in their Internet browser. The User can allow, block or delete all these cookies at any time through the configuration options of their device or terminal, as well as their Internet browser.

The User / Client must access the most updated information of each browser. In the event that the User uses any other Internet browser, we recommend that you consult the different cookie management options that may be available in the same at all times.


We inform you that the data you provide to "Marcos Platiquini" will not be transferred to other people or companies to be used for their own purposes.

However, as a consequence of the products and services provided by "Marcos Platiquini", it is possible that third parties linked to the activities of "Marcos Platiquini" have access to the personal data of the User / Client (for example, among others, insurers, IT technical providers, marketing and digital agencies, authorized representatives, anti-fraud agencies and offices, regulatory authorities, government agencies and control authorities, among others).

Thus, and for greater clarity, from "Marcos Platiquini" we specify that the access by third parties to the personal data of the User / Client for their connection with "Marcos Platiquini" is regulated by agreements signed in order to regulate the conditions in which will be the access and processing of the personal data of the User / Client, in such a way that the treatment of the personal data of the User / Client is guaranteed with the sole and exclusive purpose indicated by "Marcos Platiquini". In this way, those third parties will act as treatment managers and will be contractually bound to comply with their legal obligations as treatment manager, to maintain the confidentiality and secrecy of the information.

In the event that said third parties have access to the personal data of the Users / Clients, "Marcos Platiquini" will implement the necessary technical, organizational and contractual measures to ensure that their personal data are only processed to the extent required by the treatment. that said third parties carry out or the consent that has been provided.

From "Marcos Platiquini" we will ensure that said third parties access the personal data of the Users / Customers in accordance with the applicable legislation.


If "Marcos Platiquini" requires the further processing of the personal data of the Users / Clients for a purpose other than those set forth in this Privacy Policy, it will be previously informed, including all the information that is legally required as well as the purposes foreseen for said treatment.


"Marcos Platiquini" is concerned about guaranteeing the security and confidentiality of the data and personal information of its Users / Clients. Therefore, we have adopted numerous security measures and technical means to prevent their loss, misuse or access to them without their authorization. From Indiemagic, we are committed to act quickly and responsibly in the event that the security of your data may be in danger, and to inform you of it if relevant with the utmost diligence, in accordance with the provisions of applicable legislation.


"Marcos Platiquini" may update this Privacy Policy at any time by communicating it to the User / Client in the event that said update involves new data processing or a substantial change in it. Therefore, we recommend our Users / Clients to review this policy periodically.

The use of any of our services, by any of our channels (whether telematic or in writing), once communicated this change will imply the knowledge of the same by the User / Client in the terms included in the new published privacy policy.

These conditions constitute the Privacy Policy with "Marcos Platiquini" in relation to the use and / or acquisition of its products or services, and supersede any previous agreements that may exist between both.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is reported that the Privacy Policy of "Marcos Platiquini" is formed by this document as well as the specific conditions of privacy of each of the products and / or services that "Marcos Platiquini" could offer and that they will be completed and interpreted in a coherent and systematic way, respecting, in any case, the will of the User / Client regarding the general treatments included herein, without affecting the specific conditions of the possible contracted services.

In the event that any of the provisions of these conditions, or part of them, is declared illegal, invalid or not applicable by a competent administrative or judicial entity, it will be considered as non-applicable, without affecting the other provisions.

The delay or lack of exercise by "Marcos Platiquni" of a legal action or of any right described in these conditions does not imply, in any case, a waiver of the same.

Likewise, the failure to claim a breach of the obligations established in these conditions will not imply a waiver of your subsequent claim.


"Marcos Platiquini" informs its users / clients that they can exercise the following rights: 1. Access: allows the owner of the data to obtain information about whether Indiemagic is treating personal data that concerns him or not and, in such case, right to obtain information about your personal data submitted to treatment. 2. Rectification: it allows to correct errors and modify the data that prove to be inaccurate or incomplete. 3. Deletion: allows the data to be deleted and stop being treated by "Marcos Platiquini", unless there is a legal obligation to keep them and / or other legitimate reasons for treatment by "Marcos Platiquini" do not prevail. For example, when personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected, the customer may request that we suppress these data without undue delay. 4. Limitation: under the legally established conditions, it allows the processing of data to be paralyzed, in such a way that Indiemagic will avoid its treatment in the future, which will only be retained for the exercise or defense of claims. 5. Opposition: in certain circumstances and for reasons related to their particular situation, the interested parties may object to the processing of their data. Indiemagic will stop processing the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defense of possible claims. 6. Portability: allows the interested party to receive their personal data and transmit it directly to another responsible in a structured format, commonly used and mechanical reading. To exercise this right, it will be necessary for the User / Client to provide a valid email.


The relationship between "Marcos Platiquini" and the User / Client will be governed by current Spanish regulations and any dispute will be submitted to the Courts and Tribunals of the User's address.

Legal notice and conditions of use


These provisions regulate the use of the Internet portal service (hereinafter, the "Portal") that "Marcos Platiquini" makes available to Internet users.

Marcos Balmaseda Aranda, with DNI / NIF 03869650S, is the owner and administrator of the domain name To contact "Marcos Platiquini", you can do so through the following email:

Access to the website is free except for the cost of the connection through the telecommunications network provided by the access provider hired by users. Certain services are exclusive to our clients and their access is restricted. The services offered by "Marcos Platiquini" through the Portal have, in general, the price indicated in the corresponding tab.

The use of the Portal attributes the condition of user of the Portal (hereinafter, the "User") and implies the acceptance of all the conditions included in this Legal Notice. The provision of the Portal service has a limited duration at the moment in which the User is connected to the Portal or to any of the services that are provided through it. Therefore, the User must carefully read this Legal Notice in each of the occasions in which he / she intends to use the Portal, since this and its conditions of use contained in this Legal Notice may be modified.

Some Portal services accessible to Internet users or exclusive to "Platiquini Marcos" customers may be subject to particular conditions, regulations and instructions that, where appropriate, substitute, complete and / or modify this Legal Notice and that must be be accepted by the User before starting the provision of the corresponding service.


All the contents of the Portal, understood as merely enunciative, texts, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, software, links and other audiovisual or sound content, as well as its graphic design and source codes (hereinafter, the "Contents"), are the intellectual property of "Marcos Platiquini" or third parties, without which any of the exploitation rights recognized by the current regulations on intellectual property may be understood to be transferred to the User, except those that are strictly necessary. for the use of the Portal.

The trademarks, trade names or distinctive signs are owned by "Marcos Platiquini" or third parties, without it being understood that access to the Portal attributes any right over the said trademarks, trade names and / or distinctive signs.


The User undertakes to make proper use of the Portal in accordance with the Law and this Legal Notice. The User will respond to "Marcos Platiquini" or against third parties for any damages that may be caused as a result of breach of this obligation.

It is expressly forbidden to use the Portal for harmful purposes of goods or interests of "Marcos Platiquini" or third parties or that in any other way overload, damage or disable the networks, servers and other computer equipment (hardware) or computer products and applications ( software) of "Marcos Platiquini" or third parties.


The User undertakes to use the Contents in accordance with the Law and this Legal Notice, as well as with the other conditions, regulations and instructions that may be applicable in accordance with the provisions of clause 1. In a purely enunciative, the User in accordance with current legislation shall refrain from: 1. Reproducing, copying, distributing, making available, publicly communicating, transforming or modifying the Contents except in cases authorized by law or expressly consented to by "Marcos Platiquini" or by who holds the ownership of the exploitation rights in his case. 2. Reproduce or copy for private use the Content that may be considered as Software or Database in accordance with current legislation on intellectual property, as well as its public communication or made available to third parties when these acts necessarily imply reproduction by the User or a third party. 3. Extract and / or reuse all or a substantial part of the Contents of the Portal as well as the databases that "Marcos Platiquini" makes available to Users.


Notwithstanding the provisions of clause 5 of this Legal Notice, as well as the privacy policies accessible from the Portal and that may be applicable at any time, the use of certain services or requests addressed to "Marcos Platiquini" are conditioned on the previous fulfillment of the corresponding User record.

All information provided by the User through the Portal forms for the above purposes or any other must be true. For these purposes, the User guarantees the authenticity of all the data communicated and will keep the information provided to "Marcos Platiquini" perfectly updated so that it responds, at all times, to the real situation of the User. In any case, the User will be solely responsible for the false or inaccurate statements made and the damages caused to "Marcos Platiquini" or to third parties for the information provided.


The Internet user who wants to introduce links from their own web pages to the Portal must comply with the conditions detailed below, without the ignorance of them avoiding the responsibilities derived from the Law: 1. The link will only link with the home page or main page of the Portal but will not be able to reproduce it in any way (inline links, copy of texts, graphics, etc.). 2. It will be forbidden in any case, in accordance with the applicable legislation and in force at any time, to establish frames or frames of any kind that involve the Portal or allow the visualization of the Contents through Internet addresses different from those of the Portal and , in any case, when viewed together with content outside the Portal so that: (i) it produces, or may cause error, confusion or deception in users about the true origin of the service or Content; (ii) suppose an act of comparison or unfair imitation; (iii) serves to take advantage of the reputation of the brand and prestige of "Marcos Platiquini"; or (iv) in any other way is prohibited by current legislation. 3. No false, inaccurate or incorrect statements about "Marcos Platiquini", its partners, employees, clients or about the quality of the services it provides will be made from the page that introduces the link. 4. In no case, will be expressed on the page where the link is located that "Marcos Platiquini" has given his consent for the insertion of the link or that otherwise sponsors, collaborates, verifies or supervises the services of the sender. 5. It is forbidden to use any word, graphic or mixed mark or any other distinctive sign of "Marcos Platiquini" within the sender's page except in cases permitted by law or expressly authorized by "Marcos Platiquini" and provided that allow, in these cases, a direct link with the Portal in the manner established in this clause. 6. The page that establishes the link must faithfully comply with the law and may not in any case dispose of or link to its own content or that of third parties that: (i) are illegal, harmful or contrary to morality and good customs (pornographic, violent, racist, etc.); (ii) induce or may induce in the User the false conception that "Marcos Platiquini" subscribes, endorses, adheres or in any way supports the ideas, statements or expressions, legal or illegal, of the sender; (iii) they are inappropriate or not pertinent to the activity of "Marcos Platiquini" in attention to the place, content and subject of the web page of the sender.


Access to the Portal does not imply an obligation on the part of "Marcos Platiquini" to verify the veracity, accuracy, adequacy, suitability, completeness and timeliness of the information provided through it. The contents of this page are of a general nature and do not constitute, in any way, the provision of a specific service, so this information is insufficient for personal or business decision making by the User.

"Marcos Platiquini" is not responsible for the decisions taken from the information provided in the Portal or for any damages caused to the User or third parties due to actions based solely on the information obtained in the Portal.


Access to the Portal does not imply an obligation on the part of "Marcos Platiquini" to control the absence of viruses, worms or any other harmful computer element. The User is responsible, in any case, for the availability of adequate tools for the detection and disinfection of harmful computer programs.

"Marcos Platiquini" is not responsible for any damage caused to the computer equipment of the Users or third parties during the provision of the Portal service.


Access to the Portal requires services and supplies from third parties, including transport through telecommunications networks whose reliability, quality, continuity and functioning does not correspond to "Marcos Platiquini". Therefore, the services provided through the Portal may be suspended, canceled or inaccessible, prior or simultaneous to the provision of the Portal service.

"Marcos Platiquini" is not responsible for damages or losses of any kind produced in the User that cause failures or disconnections in the telecommunications networks that produce the suspension, cancellation or interruption of the Portal service during the provision of the same or with previous character.


"Marcos Platiquini" is not responsible for damages or losses of any kind produced in the User that cause failures or disconnections in the telecommunications networks that produce the suspension, cancellation or interruption of the Portal service during the provision of the same or with previous character.

The access service to the Portal includes technical link devices, directories and even search tools that allow the User to access other Internet pages and portals (hereinafter, "Linked Sites"). In these cases, "Marcos Platiquini" acts as a provider of intermediation services in accordance with article 17 of Law 34/2002, of July 12, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (hereinafter, " LSSI ") and will only be responsible for the contents and services provided in the Linked Sites to the extent that it has effective knowledge of the illegality and has not deactivated the link with due diligence. In the event that the User considers that there is a Linked Site with illicit or inappropriate contents, he / she may communicate it to "Marcos Platiquini" in accordance with the procedure and the effects established in clause 6, without this communication entailing the obligation to Remove the corresponding link.

In no case, the existence of Linked Sites presuppose the existence of agreements with the managers or owners thereof, nor the recommendation, promotion or identification of "Marcos Platiquini" with the demonstrations, content or services provided.

"Marcos Platiquini" does not know the contents and services of the Linked Sites and therefore is not responsible for the damages caused by the illegality, quality, outdated, unavailability, error and uselessness of the contents and / or services of the Linked Sites neither for any other damage that is not directly attributable to "Marcos Platiquini".


In compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data ( hereinafter, "RGPD" '), we inform you that the personal data and information you provide us when filling in any electronic form available on the Portal (hereinafter, "Data"), will be incorporated into an internal file of personal data ownership of "Marcos Platiquini". The purpose of processing the Data is to process your request. The questions included in each of the forms are voluntary, except those marked with an asterisk (*) that are mandatory. In the case of not answering the obligatory questions, "Marcos Platiquini" reserves the right not to process incomplete applications.


To be able to satisfy your request, or request for information, it may be necessary for your Data to be communicated by "Marcos Platiquini" to third parties with whom you collaborate, whose activities are the provision of the following services: (i) business consulting; (ii) study, research, training and dissemination activities of subjects of professional, university and business interest; (iii) administrative management, and (iv) charitable activities. In any case, "Marcos Platiquini" will obtain your express consent and will try to preserve the confidentiality of its clients and guarantee the correct treatment of your data.


"Marcos Platiquini" adopts the required levels of security in accordance with the principles, obligations and guarantees established in the RGPD, appropriate to the nature of the data that are subject to treatment at any time. Notwithstanding the foregoing, technical security in a medium such as the Internet is not impregnable and there may be fraudulent actions by third parties, although "Marcos Platiquini" undertakes to put all available means at their disposal to avoid such situations.


In any case, the User may exercise their rights of Access, Rectification, Deletion, Limitation, Portability, Cancellation and Opposition at the address


In the event that the User or any other Internet user were aware that the Linked Sites refer to pages whose contents or services are illegal, harmful, degrading, violent or contrary to morality, they may contact "Marcos Platiquni" indicating the following points: 1. Personal information of the caller: name, address, telephone number and email address; 2. Description of the facts that reveal the illicit or inappropriate nature of the Linked Site; 3. In the case of violation of rights, such as intellectual and industrial property, the personal data of the owner of the infringed right when it is a person other than the communicating party. It must also provide the title that proves the legitimacy of the owner of the rights and, where appropriate, the representation to act on behalf of the owner when he is a person other than the communicating party; 4. Express statement that the information contained in the claim is accurate. The reception by "Marcos Platiquini" of the communication provided in this clause will not imply, according to the provisions of the LSSI, the effective knowledge of the activities and / or contents indicated by the communicator.

Likewise, it must provide the title that proves the legitimacy of the holder of the rights and, where appropriate, that of representation to act on behalf of the owner when he is a person other than the communicating party.


This Legal Notice is governed in each and every one of its extremes by the Spanish legislation in force at the time.